

2 Rüden suchen noch nach einem zu Hause. Meine Buben brauchen gut Bewegung und viel Kopfarbeit!

O-Wurf 30.12.2024     Peanut x Henry


Auch 2023 war erfolgreich! Alle meine Hunde haben die Advance Prüfung der Pettrailer absolviert und

Peanut hat auch noch die EInsatzprüfung geschaft. Bin mächtig stolz auf meine Bande!



Pettrailerprüfung 10. September 2022

Wir hatten ein tolles WE am 50 jährigen Jubiläum beim niederländischen Chesapeakeclub!

Cashew 1. und Vivian 3. Platz in der Veteranenklasse.

ET & Peanut haben beide das C-Diplom bestanden!!

Ich bin sehr stolz auf mein Rudel!!!


CIB Pond Hollow Vibrant WDX

Danish Chesapeakemeeting 2021

Markprove B open class 3rd prize and Best in Show


CIB Chesapeakeheart Cashew WDX

Danish Chesapeakemeeting 2020

Markprove B open class 1st prize and best dog of day

CIB Pond Hollow Vibrant WDX

BOB in Döhle - german WorkandTalk Chesapeakemeeting

Entry 42 Chesapeakes

CIB Chesapeakeheart Cashew WDX passed the

DT Open in Chrudim (CZ) with very good.


Chesapeakeheart Cashew passed the

WT M im Melnik (CZ) with the 6th place.



November 2016 - November 2018

Chesapeakeheart H-litter is born on 16. October 2018.

Very proud and busy mother! 3 girls and 7 boys

Chesapeakeheart G-litter is born on 22. July 2018.

Very proud mother! 4 girls!

Dublin 2018 international Day at St. Patrick's - BIS Veteran!!!

Girltrip! Francis Juniorbest and Vivian BOS!

So very proud! 11,5 years Nico won Best Veteran in Show!


Chesapeakeheart F-litter is born on 30. March 2017.

Very proud mother! 4 boys and 1 girl!


Chesapeakeheart E.T. is born on 7. September 2016.

Very proud mother! Lovely little brown boy!

Nico won BOG3 at international show in Wels/ Austria.

Nico won BIS at 2. Retriever Festival with an entry of 200 Retrievers. Thank you judge L M V Pinto Teixeira!

Chessfriend´s Anthony

Son of my Nico went swedish Champion!


Lovely weekend in Zagreb! 4 shows in 4 days. Very close to the sea, so my chesies could have a daily swim. 2 days Nico BOB, 1 day Vivian and 1 day Lilu. Nico was again placed in group! Had a lot of fun! Holidays with sunshine and good food! Meet good friends, at all a pleasant weekend!

Chesapeake Workingtest in England. Lovely weekend with lovely people! Very proud on my dogs as all of them could be placed in the Workingtest. Cashew won Beginners and Bella won Unclassified. Vivian went fourth in Beginners and Nico third in Unclassified! Hope to meet you soon again guys!!!

Bella got very good at dummtrial in Grub/ Austria


Another breathtaking moment in the showcareer from

C.I.B. Double Coat´s Nicholas Nickleby WDQ 

FCI Group VIII WINNER at IHA Graz 2015

CH Pond Hollow Vibrant WD - BOS 


C.I.B. Double Coat´s Nicholas Nickleby WDQ won BOB at Eurodogshow in Brünn.


C.I.E. Frosty Hill Lilu WDX -

Second best bitch.


Frosty Hill Jodi - 


Another great success! INTCH Double Coat´s Nicholas Nickleby WDQ won BOB at Cruftsshow in Tulln and went BOG4 (4th in Best of Group).

I think it is the first time a chessie ever was placed in a group in austria. And this in the age of 8,5. Also Vivian did well as BOS. At all it was a fantastic day!!


Sweden 2014

We had great holidays with blue sky and sunshine the whole time swimming with my dogs at Ästad each day. Barbecue with best friends! Miss you all soo much!! 

Very successful weekend, Nico won masterclass and Vivian and Cashew passed WD. Lilu won champion-class at the show!!!

This is Jodi, shortly entered in austria. She is our new edition! Funny girl bred by Marie Stump/ Frosty Hills Kennel. Lovely type and super temperament!

We will have a lots of fun in future. Will bring mami many birds and make her happy by showing myself! See you soon!!!

Clubsiegerschau Schloß Grafenegg
Clubsiegerschau Schloß Grafenegg

What a weekend!

Double Coat´s Nicholas Nickleby won "BEST IN SHOW",

first time a chesapeake won CSS in the era retrieverclub!!!

Bella passed Workingtest open class and went best female at the show. Result 2nd place in "Show and Work"!!

Cashew passed her first workingtest!

Vivian did CAC in open class.

Lilu did CAC in champion class.

Jänner 2012 - Die neue Homepage geht online!